About Me

My name is Adam Tolbert and I am a 24 year old currently living in Charlotte, NC. I am a huge coffee drinker, avid soocer fan, and have recently taken on a new career path in IT and Web Development. I've lived in the southeast my whole life apart from a semester abroad in Madrid, Spain where I learned to speak Spanish and learned to love to travel. I have always been ready and eager to go to new places and hope to one day take up a more permanent residence in a foreign country as I feel like it is important for everyone to appreciate other ways of life in order to fully appreciate their own way of living.


I moved to Charlotte, NC after graduating from Presbyterian College in 2016 with a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration. During my 4 years at PC as we like to call it, I learned a lot about a variety of different things.Being the small liberal arts school, one is bound to get that kind of general education in subjects other than their intended major which is what drew me to the liberal arts schools in the first place. I've always loved to learn new things and pride myself on being able to adapt and learn new skills which is what drew me to the IT world. After 2 years in logistics as a freight broker, I felt like I had learned all I could and began to seek out a new career. Having little to no previous coding experience but a keen aptitude for electronics and technology in general (being a millenial helps), I decided to jump in head first and have been loving it. I have also taken a job as a B2B Network Technician in order to gain experience in the "non-development" side of IT.

Career Goals

I hope to one day be able to start my own business. Ever since I started selling candy bars and sodas out of a duffel bag in 9th grade, I've always had a proclivity towards the give and the take of a business and what that can mean for the business as a whole. I took on this class as I feel like it is both a highly marketable skill to have and will only increase in its demand as the world becomes more and more reliant on computers to go about our daily lives. Its also a highly universal skill that can apply to almost anything if not in practice then at minimum in principal. The logic and reasoning skills that are required with programming such as logical incremental procedures would aid in the planning of a production facility to minimize processes and therefore room for error.